Thursday, January 25, 2007

Thing 5, Week 3 (Actually done on Week 3)

This is a photo of a village from Sao Jorge, Acores - the Portuguese island my family is from originally. My family isn't from this specific town but I went to it when I was about 10 years old. It's a very out-of-the-way town, you have to take this narrow road through the mountains to get there, it's so narrow that 2 cars can hardly fit on it side by side. When you get to the village it has a church and some houses but hardly anyone lives there any longer. But each year they have a big festival there and people from all over the island go to it - at least they used to when I was a kid, it's been over 10 years but I'm pretty sure they still continue having the festival each year. I really liked visiting that town when I was a kid and I hope to do it again some day. So here is a picture of it for all to enjoy!


Minerva said...

Wow, that's beautiful. Do you speak Portuguese, too?

Virtual Services Team said...
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Virtual Services Team said...

That looks like such a beautiful place - thanks for sharing it with us.