Thursday, February 8, 2007

Thing 11, Week 5 (Actually done on week 5)

Well, this was a fascinating exercise. I decided to check out the Web 2.0 awards for Music. I came upon and I have to admit I both liked it and disliked it. This website allows us to pick a band or a type of music and it then plays that style of music or music similar to the band which you chose. Then you can choose to say that you love that track, or that you hate it, or you can just let the radio play and play. This way the software gets closer and closer to choosing the music you like most often then not. You are also able to see what tracks and songs other people who are members of the site like and enjoy. The thing about this site that bugged me was that the radio software was a tad bit flaky. I had a lot trouble starting up the radio feature and also when it was playing it would sometimes stop playing for a moment and start up again. So even though I did enjoy the concept of the website it actually got to a point that it was annoying when it couldn't load up the radio and kept saying that it had a problem connecting. So what began as a happy discovery sort of turned into a disappointing discovery. Oh well, that is life. As Confucius would say:
"Things that are done, it is needless to speak about...things that are past, it is needless to blame."
In other words, (to translate that quote to the present situation) I might as well not waste to much time on my disappointment and just move on to Thing 12.

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